
10 reasons to be optimistic

Today I am feeling good.


The struggle for the environment is getting good news that motivated me to continue working for a better planet


Environmental news is in general negative. While condemnations usually serve to call for actions to motivate people to take some action, other people may think that is already too late. However, efforts to achieve a better planet also have their fruits and can demonstrate that is worth fighting in protecting the environment. This article points out 10 good optimistic environmental news which shall give us  hope.


1. The ozone layer is improving

Various scientific reports indicate the gradual recovery of the ozone layer is vital to the environment and the health of humans and many species beings. The "hole" (actually thinning at certain times of the year and, more significantly, in Antarctica) was one of the hottest topics today for decades. Regulations such as the Montreal Protocol to avoid destroying substances are paying off; demonstrating that the international will can make changes to improve the global environment.


2. Renewable energy growing in the world

2015 was "a remarkable year for renewable energy," according the report REN21, an international organization that analyses and promotes its use. Its creators say that renewables energies have experienced the largest increase in its history globally and are already competitive with fossil fuels in many markets, with China and the United States its main promoters.


3. Citizens are increasingly using bicycle

Thanks to the bicycle, its users reduce pollution and urban traffic, improve health and save time and money. It's no wonder that more and more people around the world are encouraged to push the bike. Spain was also the country where bike commuting had the fastest growth in the world between 2014 and 2015, according to the World Cycling Index 2015 ( 8% in one year).


4. We recycle more

Recycling reduces pollution and landfill waste; avoid extracting new raw materials, saves energy, combating climate change and create new products and "green" jobs. Consumers increasingly perform this daily habit, as shown in the European Environment Agency (EEA), which emphasizes improving recycling rates in the EU.


5. The Paris Agreement is ratified

Climate Summit, held in the French capital last year (COP 21), the starting point seems an unstoppable momentum to combat climate change. The meeting resulted in the Paris Agreement, which established various commitments among its drivers. But it was at the expense of its ratification by at least 55 countries, a premise that has already occurred. Its activation will be on November 4, three days before the next COP in Marrakesh (Morocco).


6. Spain is the first country in the world in Biosphere Reserves

Spain, the country with the greatest biodiversity in Europe, has various forms of protection to preserve it. One of them is the Biosphere Reserves of the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). After its last update, Spain is the country with the highest number (48), overtaking the United States and Mexico.


7. The Iberian lynx is recovered

The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), considered the world's most endangered feline shows signs of recovery. This is indicated by the Red List of endangered species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which has lowered the degree of threat in recent years. The lynx shows that if you bet on appropriate conservation and recovery programs, the results are quick.


8. The environmental struggle has paid off

Environmental protection is everyone's concern and requires an active approach getting off. Paralysis and even demolition of urban projects that violated environmental laws, through the efforts of state and Ecologists in Action NGOs or even regional societies as the Association for the Defense of Natural Resources of Cantabria (ARCA) are clear examples.


9. Each year new species are discovered

Each year are discovered in the world between 18,000 and 20,000 new fossil species, bacteria, plants and animals (in Spain between 170 and 200), according to Antonio García Valdecasas, researcher at the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN) and one of members of the international committee of experts of the International Institute for Species Exploration (IISE).


10. Marine protected areas increase

The oceans provide us with food and other natural resources, and maintaining the balance of emissions of greenhouse gases, involved in climate change and other environmental benefits. However, they do not enjoy the same protection as terrestrial areas. But this situation is changing: it has risen from 1% of oceanic protected areas worldwide to 1.8%, and needs to equal the 5% of the protected land. Recently, the United States created the world's largest marine reserve, with 360.000 km2.


So let’s have a round on that!!

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