
Inspiration to reform your kitchen in summer

The holidays can be the perfect time to get down to work with the kitchen; but before beginning your reform it is important to follow some recommendations.


Summer is the ideal time to change or renovate the kitchen. The days or weeks of holidays, the increase of free time, the good weather… are factors that encourage us to undertake new projects, such as the remodeling of one of the most important spaces in our house.


On top of that, in summer it is easier for service trucks and vans to find parking, we harm our neighbors less with noise and dust (since many are on vacation), and construction containers are less in the street .


The reform of the kitchen, as well as that of the bathrooms, is usually one of the most expensive in the home. However, it is important to have everything well planned and have a trusted professional to advise us and make the work as bearable as possible, because if we try to do it on our own to "save" can be an endless chaos.

For this reason, if you are thinking of changing or renovating your kitchen this summer but you don´t know where to start, we give you 5 keys to keep in mind.


Say no to improvisation


The first and most important thing is to look for professionals with references. Or that they have made good projects at the home of friends, family or acquaintances; or that we are sure that they work well and follow the regulations, apply for permits and comply with the law. As we have already said before, doing this type of work as complex on our own is not, at all, recommended.

As you already know, if you are not sure where to turn, at Pacheco & Asociados Architects we can help you to design your new kitchen. We help you in the choice of materials, colors, and everything you need. In our Department of minor works we have professionals who will help you to build the kitchen of your dreams.


Close dates and budget


Request three budgets is one of the tips offered by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) so that we are not cheated and do not pay in excess, because the price difference between one company and another for the same service can be differentiated in several thousand euros.


Another suggestion to keep in mind is to fix a date of completion of the reform in the contract. It is something fundamental within budgets and that many people do not do, or do so in a spoken way. The professionals must commit themselves in writing to finish the work within a stipulated period and if not, impose a penalty (price reduction, payment, etc.)

"Clean" materials


The kitchen is one of the most dirty areas of the house. For this reason, it is best to get furniture and materials that are easily cleaned and require little maintenance: stainless steel countertops, quartz or granite; waterproof tile floors; appliances with anti fingerprint systems ... Ah! And use very resistant splash protectors, especially in the fire areas.


Good lighting


Poor lighting in the kitchen will prevent us from seeing clearly if we are preparing a dish correctly, if there is dirt, etc. In this space, more than any other, it is vital not to skimp on light. In addition to the ceiling and the extractor hood, LED lights under tall furniture are a good way to decorate and avoid shadows on the work surface.


Go (if necessary)


Depending on the products used, the work can generate waste and odors, not only unpleasant, but also toxic. It is important to maintain good communication with the workers and to clarify in advance if we will be able to stay at home during the whole reform, or on the contrary there will be times when it will be necessary to spend some night out.



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