
How to install an electric car charger in a community of owners

Although, at the moment, it seems most common, to have charges in individual villas or houses but the electric car is not a field limited to single-family homes with an individual charger.


Although, at the moment, it seems most common, to have charges in individual villas or houses but the electric car is not a field limited to single-family homes with an individual charger. Although there are those who has an electric car without a charger at home, it is possible to have it installed in community of owners’ garages.

It is most useful and practical that our electric car can be recharged at night. In this case, the first thing we must be clear about is that we have every right to install a charging point in a community garage, although we will not be able to use the community electricity.

In other words, we can install a charging point, but as neighbours we do not have the right to plug our vehicle into a domestic socket that provides service to the garage. It is important to take this into account because, in the first case, we will be the ones paying for the installation and the bill for the recharge.

How to go about it.

If there is one thing, we must be clear about, it is that installing a recharging point for private use of our electric car in a community garage is completely permitted and endorsed by law in Spain. In fact, the community of owners cannot refuse to carry out the said installation.

If you have specific doubts, you can solve all the information for charging electric cars in community spaces with the Technical Guide for the application of ITC-BT 52. Installations for special purposes. Infrastructure for recharging electric cars.



Art. 17.5 of the new Horizontal Property Law states that "the installation of an electric vehicle recharging point for private use in the building's parking lot, provided that it is located in an individual parking space, will only require prior communication to the community. The cost of said installation and the corresponding electricity consumption will be fully assumed by the direct interested party(s).

That is, the owner will be in charge of carrying out the necessary installation and paying for it. The College of Administrators of Alicante recommends that, if a group of owners want to carry out an installation, the community of owners should commission a project to decide the best place for the installation of meters and the wiring to the recharging point for each parking lot.

If they do not have this approval, they point out that it is good to establish minimum requirements for each neighbour, which the Association of Administrators of Madrid summarizes in:

• Prior communication by the requesting owner/s or neighbour/s.

• From the meter to the recharging point, the line must be installed under an approved tube and along the route agreed with the community of owners, not being able to use the common conduits and boxes.

• The conduit that goes from the meter room to the parking lot will be the responsibility of the requesting owner.

• The recharging point will be installed on the back wall of the parking space, as central as possible and without occupying the overhang of the adjoining spaces.

• The owner or neighbour must deliver the installation bulletin to the community of owners.


• The installation must comply with the current regulations at all times.




Technical details

Once the communication is issued, the type of community garage in which you want to install the charging point must be taken into account.

If the garage is independent of the houses, there are two possibilities. The first is that a pre-installation be carried out from the garage's electrical panel, which runs through the entire garage with a sufficient section so that, subsequently, anyone who wants to can hook up to that line and place the recharging point in their place next to a counter that must be periodically read to generate receipts and pass them to collection.

The other option is for each interested owner to carry out an individual installation from the garage's electrical panel to their parking space with an appropriate section wiring for a single recharging point and the installation of a meter, and so on for the rest of the interested parties. This option has the inconvenience that as new installations are carried out, the wiring that runs through the garage will increase, so it should be mandatory that when a number of individual derivations are reached, they must be replaced by a larger community one. section so that the rest of the owners can join later.

If, on the other hand, we are talking about a garage associated with some homes, it will also be possible to make individual derivations from the homes' own meters to the parking spaces, although, from the collegiate body, they point out that "always complying with what is established in the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation (REBT) to avoid possible claims for rectification of defects in future inspections of the garage".


Catalonia is different.

In Catalonia, however, they have their own Horizontal Property Law and the process is slightly different, in this case it is regulated by the 553-36.3 article.

Which states the following: "In the event of installing an individual electric vehicle recharging point, it is only necessary to send the technical project to the presidency or the administration thirty days before the start of the work and the corresponding technical certification once the installation is finished. Within this period, the community can propose a reasonable alternative that is more appropriate to its general interests. If the alternative installation is not made effective within two months, the interested owner can carry out the installation that he had initially planned ".

In other words, if any type of work had to be undertaken for the installation of a charging point, the owner would have to propose a technical project that could be answered by the community within the next 30 days. In case the neighbours decide on the last proposed alternative, they have two months to install it. If it is not carried out, the owner of the electric vehicle has free rein to carry out his own project.

Furthermore, regarding the question of who should bear the costs in the event of a power increase, the neighbourhood community. Therefore, it recommends that, in a situation in which neighbour and community may collide and, possibly, increase the demand for chargers in the coming years, both reach an agreement and study a facility that can serve other owners in the future.

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