
Well certification, sustainable scoring system (110 points)

What is the WELL certification?

Well certification is a scoring system focused on people's health and comfort that is based on measuring and monitoring the performance of the built environment. In other words, the objective of this certificate is that the characteristics that directly affect the well-being of citizens, such as lighting, water or air, meet requirements that guarantee people’s health within that environment.


The maximum score that can be achieved is 110 points, being 100 points for optimizations and 10 for innovation. To establish the Well certificate in a construction, both the documentary verification process and the "in situ" verification process must be completed and, in addition, the rectification process must be renewed every three years to keep the certificate updated.



The environment in which we live and work directly affects our health, well-being and productivity. Therefore, it is especially important that we build environments designed to enhance our physical, mental and social well-being.

What does the “well construction standard” cover?

  • Air. In our daily life we spend most of our time indoors. Therefore, it is important to improve and maintain air quality to avoid exposing ourselves to pollutants that harm our health.
  • Water. We must have access to quality drinking water, since adequate hydration favours people's health and prevents diseases associated with other types of beverages, such as obesity.
  • Feeding. "We are what we eat". This statement is totally true because a correct diet promotes good health and helps prevent chronic diseases.
  • Lightning. Lighting has direct effects on people's moods. Playing with natural and artificial light within spaces helps increase productivity and reduces the appearance of diseases such as depression.
  • Movement. Sitting down most of the day can be harmful, since physical inactivity is associated with a multitude of diseases that manifest themselves in our body prematurely. Well certification encourages an active lifestyle in the spaces where we live and work.
  • Thermal comfort. It is difficult to establish a temperature level that suits everyone, so the air conditioning system must satisfy as many people as possible and must be continuously monitored to best meet individual needs.
  • Noise. Set sound controls to prevent noise pollution that can lead to stress and discomfort.
  • Materials. When choosing building materials, keep in mind that their chemical composition and potential impact do not harm the environment or indoor air quality.
  • Mind. Lately we have seen an increase in social awareness regarding mental illness. If the environment in which we live and work is well certified, we will avoid or mitigate potential mental health problems.


Advantages of establishing well certification

Among the advantages that stand out in the work environment, we highlight the increase in employee productivity, since working in a healthy environment increases satisfaction and reduces absenteeism. This favours companies in retaining talented employees, clients and investors.


In hotels and private homes, establishing a good environment favours people's health, since living in a healthy environment has a positive impact that translates into greater energy and quality of sleep.



If you want to know more about this type of certification, contact us and we will be happy to inform you.

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