
Mapei Awards: promoting sustainable architecture

Every day we read more and more news about sustainability in many aspects of society, including fashion, sustainable architecture… “Being green” is more than the possession of a quantity of natural space; it also represents the level of awareness in caring for the Environment, the pro-ecological behaviour of a country, region, company or oneself, and the positive -and sometimes even poetic- that implies caring for the ecosystem from human invasion.

Sustainable trends for architecture

Sustainable trends give us a group vision: to be able to contribute more and more grains of sand in the construction of a better world, literally. Spanish cities like Barcelona are at the forefront among cities that promote sustainable fashion, thanks to stores that embody the concept of sustainability. In architecture, it is classified as sustainable, varying in certain behaviours related to sustainable practices. Countries like Norway, Sweden and Austria are pioneers and maximum exponents of the use of renewable energies, recycling, the protection of natural resources, and water care...

Promoting sustainable projects

In Spain, we can praise and see how the concern for our planet materializes in projects that promote sustainable projects such as the Mapei Awards.


This initiative wants to promote sustainable projects that combine a minimum impact on the environment with high architectural quality. All those persons or entities based in Spain and Andorra and whose works have been completed in less than five years are eligible for the award.



The recognition of sustainable construction professionals is a real advance and a motivation today, of course, respect for the environment must be a hallmark of all of us in each project.

Mapei Sustainable Architecture Awards

Mapei is an Italian company dedicated to the sector of chemical products for construction, adhesives and sealants. The name Mapei corresponds to the acronym for “Materiali Ausiliari Per l’Edilizia e l’Industria” (in Spanish “Auxiliary materials for construction and industry”).



The jury for the Mapei Award will be made up of experts in architecture, and representatives of the GBCe (Green Building Council Spain) and Mapei Spain. The reception of applications ends on May 31 and the jury will announce the winner before June 15.

Our architecture studio: Pacheco Architects

Our architecture studio has more than 25 years of experience in the sector. To do this, we have a team of professionals and architects who are always based on the latest trends to design and build more sustainable and environmentally friendly homes.


Our goal is to achieve sustainable architecture in all our designs and constructions. Therefore, we are constantly updated on the latest trends on how to achieve an environmentally friendly structure. You can visit our articles related to sustainable architecture:



These articles are just a sample of all the information you can find on our blog. If you need advice on sustainable architecture, do not hesitate to contact our team of architects. We offer advice for projects both nationally and internationally.



You can visit some of our projects on our website or by visiting our YouTube channel. We offer an integral service for our clients, which goes from the design to the finished delivery of the entire project. For this reason, we accompany the client throughout the process, with which we manage to perfectly capture all their wishes and needs.

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As it is impossible to know in detail every case asked in this blog, all our replies are given in good faith but we strongly suggest that you obtain private advice from a solicitor /and /or  architect who will be able to study in depth your own particular case.

Al ser imposible conocer en profundidad cada caso, todos los consejos y contestaciones a la preguntas realizadas en este blog, los consejos dados son propiciado en términos generales por lo que se deberá contrastar con el asesoramiento privado de un abogado  y/o un arquitecto para estudiar en profundidad su caso.