
How much can you save with a more energy efficient home? | Final part |

Tune up the house is an important decision, since a reform can be a good pinch. However, there are simple measures with which to start being more efficient and do not require a large amount of money. One of them is to change to LED bulbs, which consume much less energy and give more light.

Green reforms

Tune up the house is an important decision, since a reform can be a good pinch. However, there are simple measures with which to start being more efficient and do not require a large amount of money. One of them is to change to LED bulbs, which consume much less energy and give more light.

On the other hand, with a rational selection of household appliances you can also spend less energy. I am referring here to appliances that are used a lot of hours a day and the daily energy consumption can add up a bit to the final energy bill.



The fridge or the stovetop

Independently of other common sense action that will help saving energy but a well clean oven, not putting hot food in the fridge, not opening the oven during cooking time will help as cooking using the "eco" mode. In addition, dishwashers or washing machines, are appliances that not everyone are using correctly. Be aware of the amount of clothes or pots that you want to clean. And it is that to switch on theses appliances with few dishes or clothes in case of the washing machine implies that energy and water are being misused. However, the same applies going over the top by over loading the appliances. An excess will cause the appliances to require more energy to move over the water, not to mention that it will not do the cleaning so well.


And we must not forget that Spain is a country that provide certain advantages when we refer to natural light so do not lower the external shutters and put the lights on as it can also make the temperature of the room rise a few degrees without having to switch on the radiators etc, make use of the sun that is enjoyed here, why not get more out of it?


The most expensive electricity in Europe

We have one of the most expensive electricity in Europe so saving in electricity will make us greener…. and richer so here is some guidance on how to save on the golden fluid.

1. Adjust the power your contract out with the company

Much of what you pay on your bill is the power contracted out: every 1.15 Kw of power is almost 50 euros a year. That is why it is fundamental to control how much power you contract out.

2. Betting on Time Discrimination

Select a rate with Time Discrimination is the best way to save for almost every household. It interests you if you are able to concentrate at least 30% of the light consumed in the valley (from 10 pm to 12 pm, from 23 to 13 in summer). Households that do not have this rate consume an average of 50% in off-peak hours, so without additional efforts they could save € 80 a year on their electricity bill

Hourly discrimination is available both for households that have contracted the PVPC regulated tariff, and for households that have an offer in the free market.

3. Turn off devices on stand-by

The silent consumption of appliances that are "off-but-on" is more expensive than you think.

Turn off everything that stays on stand-by (teles, computers, music equipment ...) means saving 10% of everything you consume. For an average consumption (3,500 kWh / year) this is 52 euros of savings.

4. Adjust heating expense.

A home temperature of 19ºC to 21ºC is reasonable. At night it is better to get a bit lower in the bedrooms: between 15ºC and 17ºC.

Each degree higher supposes an increase of 7% in the consumption.

A good maintenance of the boiler can save you up to 15% per year.

In summary, it is up to each one of us to use our common sense and try to cut down on our energy bills, but it should not be forgotten that having the house in the best possible conditions will also affect the receipts year after year.


I hope that this has been of help.

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